by admin | Jun 24, 2022 | Baliholiday, Blog, Blue lagoon, halfday tour, Paket Tour, snorkeling, Uncategorized
Tempat snorkeling ini, yang disebut Blue Lagoon, persis seperti yang dapat Kamu bayangkan tentang pantai yang sempurna di Bali: pantai pasir putih, air jernih di mana Kamu mungkin menemukan banyak spesies tropis yang berbeda. Kamu akan snorkeling di area ini dan Anda...
by admin | Jun 22, 2022 | Baliholiday, Blog, Blue lagoon, full day tour, halfday tour, Paket Tour, snorkeling
Happy family – active kid in snorkeling mask dive underwater, see tropical fish in coral reef sea pool. Travel adventure, swimming activity on summer beach vacation with child. Happy family – active kid in snorkeling mask dive underwater, see tropical fish...
by admin | Jun 21, 2022 | Blog, Blue lagoon, Paket Tour, snorkeling
Snorkling padangbai at tanjung jepun and blue lagoon beachSnorkling at 8 : 00 am in the morning from padangbai go to sport with traditonal boat/ jukung with the roof until sport just 10 minute, sport no 1 is tanjung jepun beach,Snorkling in here you can give fish...
by admin | Jun 18, 2022 | Blog, Blue lagoon, full day tour, halfday tour, Paket Tour, snorkeling
Snorkeling Blue lagoon and Jepun tanjung is one of the water activities on the island of Bali which is located on the blue lagoon beach of Padai Bai, the first place is Tanjung Jepun, has a depth that is not too deep, and the uniqueness of Tanjung Jepun has beautiful...
by admin | Jun 16, 2022 | Blog, Blue lagoon, full day tour, halfday tour, Paket Tour, snorkeling
snorkeling in padangbai bali is very nice come in the morning at 7 : 00 am with the traditional boat in way you can see sunrise and beauty place ,until sport just 15 minute , you can snorkeling in here bring fish eating bread or rice many fish come with you if you...
by admin | Jun 13, 2022 | Bali, Baliholiday, Blog, Blue lagoon, full day tour, halfday tour, Holidaybali, Paket Tour, snorkeling, Traveller
Apakah Anda ingin pergi ke nusa penida atau nusa lembongan dengan kapal transportasi lokal dan mendapatkan pengalaman baru. Lokasi Tempat: Padangbai ke Nusa Penida Padangbai ke Nusa lembongan Harga : TIDAK ORANG HARGA 1 2 orang Rp 800k 1 3-5 Orang Rp 1500k...